The College is observing Summer hours May 13-July 26. Click here for details.

PLC Technician: The Machine Whisperer

  1. What's a PLC?: Imagine you have a remote control for your TV, but instead of changing channels, it controls machines in factories or buildings. That's what a PLC does. It's a small computer that tells machines what to do, like turning on lights, moving conveyor belts, or even making sure your soda can gets filled at a factory.
  2. Setting Up and Programming: PLC technicians are like the people who set up and program these electronic controllers. It's similar to teaching a smart home system, but instead of lights and thermostats, you're telling big machines what to do. You'll write instructions (code) to make the machines work just right.
  3. Troubleshooting and Fixing: Sometimes, just like your computer or phone, PLCs can have problems. As a PLC technician, you'll be a bit like a detective, figuring out what's gone wrong and making sure the machines get back to work. It's like being a superhero for machines!
  4. Safety First: You'll also be responsible for making sure the machines work safely. PLCs control important things, so you need to make sure they don't do anything dangerous. It's all about keeping people and equipment safe.
  5. Learning and Growing: Technology changes fast, so you'll always be learning new things. Just like how you update apps on your phone, you'll need to stay up-to-date with the latest PLC technology and programming techniques.
  6. Where You Can Work: PLC technicians are needed in all sorts of industries, from manufacturing plants that make cars or electronics to places like water treatment facilities or energy plants. You could work almost anywhere that uses machines.
  7. Problem Solver and Team Player: Being a PLC technician isn't just about working with machines; it's also about working with people. You'll often be part of a team that keeps things running smoothly, so good communication and problem-solving skills are important.

As a PLC technician you'll set up, program, and make sure these electronic brains work correctly, ensuring that everything in the factory or building runs smoothly and safely. It's a job that combines technology, problem-solving, and teamwork, and it's a great career choice for those who love working with both computers and machines.

People in this field

  • have good problem-solving skills
  • have an eye for detail
  • enjoy repairing or fixing
  • computer programming
  • teamwork

This program includes the essential areas of programmable logic controllers to get you job-ready fast! You will take courses in electronics, circuits, basic PLC programming, and advanced PLC programming. All of these classes are “hands-on;” you will be working with the same equipment you will see out in industry. There are three major PLC brands: Allen-Bradley, Siemens, and Mitsubishi. Rhodes State College has all of these PLCs for students to use in our labs.

view plan of study

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion, the student will be able to:

  • Successfully troubleshoot and provide correct, effective solutions for programming and maintaining PLCs.
  • Apply their growing set of skills to creatively solve technical problems.
  • Design, program, and operate equipment safely
  • Analyze the functions of manufacturing technology.

Career Opportunities

Automation Technician, Advanced Manufacturing, PLC Technician, Agriculture, Supply Chain and Warehousing

Student Success Navigator


Nicole McConnahea

Student Success Navigator
(419) 995-8354